
Working with the RBI -2 - Some more of self-indulgence

While preparing to unleash one on planet earth, the almighty had perhaps shuddered, the shudder resulted in one, by instinct, becoming extremely restless – both in the body and the brain. The brain therefore (tries) to think of a hundred things at the same time. Hammering out all the hundred things on the unsuspecting reader, who may accidentally stumble upon this blog, would be too great a crime even for one to commit. One therefore would try to freeze the thoughts and attempt to heave the thoughts one by one.
One has, in the previous post, alluded to the apparition of one being almost tall, dark and handsome, a singer, a software whiz kid a great administrator, a psychologist etc. etc. (One hope one is not missing on appropriate nouns / adjectives etc.). From the day one, the Bank gave one enough of opportunities to prove oneself.
To begin with – it was a girl living in the premises of the Bank’s residential complex (not office complex) who agreed with one being almost TDH - tall, dark and handsome that is. The girl happens to be one’s second spouse today. The second spouse bit is not a figment of one’s imagination but a statement of fact that often gets ejaculated out of one’s better (or bitter ) half who has a firm belief that one first got wedded to the Bank. Further, it’s a different matter, altogether, that the same girl, wiser with 15 years of cohabitation, is more clearer now and feels that one masquerades being a human being  while, actually, one is a specimen from the lowest category of the insecta  phylum. One is not sure about what one’s exact feelings were on this count (not the spouse, the TDH part) – two decades ago, one is sure about these today i.e. one now knows that one is certainly better of – looks wise, today. However, one is still grateful to the Bank for facilitating one’s acquisition of a spouse – not an employee of the Bank – an employee’s ward.
Having alluded to the thoughts of one being almost TDH and that of the spouse’s feelings on that count, it would, perhaps, be in order for one to explain the rationale behind one’s feelings (the spouse feels that her feelings are a kind of writing on the wall) at this stage of proceedings. One is about a half(dozen) inch shorter on the tall side but makes up by equal number of shades on the dark side and scores poorly only on the handsome part. One is quite realistic about the rest – in life you cannot be getting “Mills and Boon” kind of TDH guys in real life. One can, thus, reasonably lay a claim at being TDH.
Next I would write on the beginning of my journey with the Reserve Bank of India. It truly began with a journey – rather, two of them

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